
Natalia Majo

ESVP-ECVP Congress


Dr. Natàlia Majó-Masferrer is the current Scientific Director of the IRTA-CReSA (Research Center on Animal Health) since October 2019. She has a PhD in Veterinary Medicine and is EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Pathology (ECVP) and in Poultry Science (ECVPS). She is associate professor at the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy of the Veterinary School at the UAB and, since CReSA was constituted, she has been leading the research group on Avian viruses. Her main areas of work, both in teaching and research, are focused on avian diseases. She has participated in several national (13) and international projects (9) mainly related with viral diseases of poultry. She is co-author of 99 indexed articles, 3 books and has supervised 14 PhD thesis and 11 MsC thesis. She has more than 200 contributions to symposiums and scientific congresses. She has coordinated the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Infectious Diseases and One Health from 2016-2019, the PhD Programme of Animal Medicine and Health (UAB) from 2014-2019 and was also responsible for the Residency Programme of Veterinary Pathology (UAB), from 2008-2014. She was member of the Council of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP), member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of Poultry Science (AECA-WPSA) and of the Regulatory Committee of the Spanish Medicine Agency-CodemVet from 2004-2008, where she was in charge of evaluating poultry vaccines. Currently, she is member of the Technical Committee of CESAC (Catalan Centre of Poultry Health) and also member of the Steering Committee of the Spanish One Health Platform. She has been recently appointed Coordinator of the 2021SGR1385 (Grup de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya) on Transboundary and Exotic Animal Diseases Research Group. She is Associated Editor of the Journal Avian Pathology since 2017. She has been reviewer for AEI, AGAUR, ANR, Institute Carnot and ERC starting grants. Regarding sectoral activities, she has participated in more than 50 dissemination activities with the poultry industrial sector, including poultry necropsy and pathology practical courses. She lead and participated in contracts with private companies, mainly safety and efficacy preclinical studies for different poultry vaccines.