
Wednesday 28th August

Joint Sessions


19.00-20.00 | Congress Opening

20.00-21.30 | Welcome Reception


Toxicological Pathology

14.00-14.15 | Welcome | Silvia Guionaud

14.15-14.55 | Sampling the Nervous System For Histopathology Evaluation: Getting Aligned to Detect Neurotoxicity | Deepa Bandi Rao

14.55-15.20 | Brain and spinal cord sampling for molecular and protein analyses | Xavier Palazzi

15:20-15.45 | Direct Drug Delivery Into Brain Parenchyma in Monkeys: Technical Aspects and Pathology Findings | Alexandra Duetting & Annette Romeike

15.45-15.55Silver staining in neuropathology and neurotoxicity: practical approaches, advantages, and disadvantages | Kristel Kegler

15.55-16.05 | Immunohistochemical Characterization of Glial cells Around Holes in the Brain: Two Similar Experiences in the Dog | Stefanie Arms & Enrico Vezzali

16.05-16.15 | Myelin methods | Brad Bolon

16.15-16.45 | Coffee Break & Exhibition

17.00-17.25 | Finding One’s Way in the Nervous System Maze with an AI Compass | Erio Barale-Thomas

17.25-18.00 | Audience Participation | Ingrid D Pardo & Alok Sharma