
Ana Rita Baptista

ESVP-ECVP Congress


Ana Rita Baptista (ARB) is a visual thinker and communicator that got her degree in Veterinary Medicine by organising large junks of complex information in a visual way. Her professional journey in Science and Medical Illustration began 21 years ago, while she was a practitioner Veterinary Surgeon… until this day. Always gathering Science and Arts, she worked both in Animal and Human Health Companies, both in Marketing and Medical Departments, acting as a scientific liaison between healthcare professionals and their peers and between healthcare professionals and their patients. Based in Lisboa, Portugal, Rita has been developing her Science Communication career focusing on faster-to-digest visual formats, facilitating the absorption of the big picture while simplifying the myriad of sub-  concepts.  

“One can take the whole thing at once and then explore every detail that is necessary, or the other way around.”~ARB