
Pompei Bolfa

Cutting Edge Congress


I received my DVM degree in 2004 from USAMV, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and joined Ross University in St. Kitts in March 2014. I worked for 3 years in a mixed practice in Romania. During a PhD in equine infectious diseases, I began teaching Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. I then moved to a full time Pathology teaching position and started training for the Veterinary Anatomic Pathology board exam, which I successfully completed in 2016, becoming a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (DACVP). I am passionate about teaching and leadership and have an interest in research areas like comparative pathology, veterinary pathology, viral diseases, or comparative oncology. I serve as a board member and seminar coordinator of Veterinary Cancer Guidelines and Protocols group as well as a board member of ESVP. Currently I also serve as Pathology division head at Ross University and I am part of the lifelong learning committee of ACVP.